Undead: Banshee (Lesser)     

Species: Dead. Type: Banshee. Class: Dead. Align: Evil (Chaotic). Gender: N/A.


Level: 21 + 1-D10. Damage-Points: 1-D8 x level.

Number encountered: 1.

Experience-Points: 90 x level.



Awareness: Hearing: 25, Sense of Smell: 0, Sixth Sense: 0, Taste: 0, Touch: 10, Vision: 25,

Charisma -: Appearance: -30 (vile and disturbing to look upon). Speech: 60, Constitution: 20, Coordination: 35, Dexterity: 35, Intelligence: 21, Mental-Strength: 35, Strength: 30, Wisdom: 1.



Flying: Can't. Grounded: 12. Swimming: 4 (walks underwater).


Luck: 1-D6 (+ 1-D6 per level).

Oxygen-Points: Not applicable. This creature does not need oxygen to exist.

Blood-Points: Not applicable. This creature does not need blood to exist.



Attack descriptions:           Range:                 Damage:             Attack type:

     Banshee Scream - : 2    See: "Special".   See: "Special".   Touch.

     Vile Feeding ------- : 2    1 space (5').         See: "Special".   Touch.

     Special ------ : Banshee Scream: All within within the same chamber or hallway

                             (with no stone or wood barriers between them) who hear this

                             scream must pit their Mental-Strength vs. the Banshee's

                             Mental-Strength (race to 3), or be drained 1-D6 (+1-D6 per 3

                             levels of the Banshee) damage points in all areas of the body.

                             In any case 1-D6 points of draining damage will occur in all areas

                             of the body. There is no escaping this.


                                  Note: This withering effect can only be healed by a regenerating

                                            type of healing (otherwise no healing effect will occur, so

                                            dreadful is the damage this vile creature causes).


                             Vile Feeding: The grasping touch of the Banshee will wither

                                                    the area of the body touched, draining 1-D6

                                                    (+1-D6 per 3 levels of the Banshee) damage

                                                    points in the area struck. This draining effect

                                                    will heal the Banshee of any damage taken.


                                                         Note: To avoid this draining effect, one must

                                                                   evade the attack - dodge or block. This

                                                                   withering effect can be healed, as normal,

                                                                   by non-regeneration spells.


Defense: 35. Offense: 35.


Treasure: %Roll needed to have money and treasure:

10+ to have 1-D6 +1 treasure checks.

Begin rolling on the Uncommon chart.



Annihilation Strike?: Yes (causes x3 drain). Sudden Death Strike?: Yes (causes x2 drain).

Eye color: None (rotten sockets). Eye shape: Medium-sized and oval. Height: 6'-0". Skin color: Rotted. Skin texture: Rotted. Posture: Biped. Weight: 100 lbs.


This Dead class creature appears as a rotting corpse, a mere appearance of what it once was in life.


Dislikes ----- : All living creatures.

Disposition - : The resentment of the dreaded Banshee knows no bounds. It will seek out and destroy any living creature it can find, so filled with unbridled rage it harbors. The malice of this terrible creature knows no bounds.


Fears -------- : Holy creatures. If it can destroy one of Holy align, it will (but merely touching a holy creature will cause 1-D6 (+ 1-D6 damage per 3 levels of the one who is holy). Besides its eternal mental torment, this is the only physical pain a Banshee knows.


Habitat ------ : Many of the more dangerous regions (Crypts, Labyrinths and Tombs).

Immunities - : Beguile, Charm, Disease, Fear (see: "Fears"), Pain, Poison (all), Regret, Shock, Sickness, Sleep, Spiritual-Attack, Stun, Unconsciousness.


Life-span --- : Undying (this creature's existence never fades), but it can be destroyed.

Likes -------- : Nothing.

Needs ------- : Unknown.

Note --------- : None.


Special Abilities:



Special Defenses:

Ability-Resistance: 20%

Magic-Resistance: 30%


Special Offenses:

Terror Presence: When the Banshee is encountered all living creatures must successfully make an avoidance-roll vs. "Fear" or suffer the following penalties:


1. -50% Movement (rounded down).

2. -20 Defense and Offense.

3. 20% ability and spell failure chance.


Susceptibilities and Weaknesses: Holy beings (see: "Fears"). Holy abilities, powers, spell, and treasure items will cause +50% damage.


Weapon Susceptibilities : Rank-7 (or better) magic weapon to harm.